The Cowboys passed on running back in the NFL draft. A reunion with Ezekiel Elliott might be next

Views: | Time:2024-06-03 13:02:07

FRISCO, Texas (AP) — The Dallas Cowboys passed on running back in the NFL draft after moving on from their starter each of the past two seasons.

There was as much talk about one of those former Cowboys — two-time rushing champion Ezekiel Elliott — as there was any of the college prospects throughout draft weekend.

Now the focus shifts to when Elliott might return to the franchise for which he gained 8,262 yards, third-most in club history, in seven seasons before a release in a cost-cutting move after the 2022 season.

“Anytime,” owner Jerry Jones said Saturday night, speaking generally about the positive influence he believed Elliott was after saying a day earlier he thought Elliott was still good enough to be a starter.

“I don’t want to get into that because I’m not sure what all we’re touching on here in terms of the rules,” Jones said. “Bottom line is that he’s a positive.”

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